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Beyond Guardianship: Understanding Decision-Making Rights and Resources

Guardianship is a strict way to help with decision-making. It should be a last choice. In Florida, people can ask if guardianship is still needed, and the law allows them to get their rights back if possible.

Many families and people with developmental disabilities don’t know about all their options for decision-making. Guardianship is sometimes necessary, but it can limit a person’s freedom.

To help people understand their rights, the National Council on Disability Guardianship and the Office of the Public Guardian, Inc. created a project called “Lighting the Way”. This is an online course1 to help people with developmental disabilities and their families learn about different decision-making options—from making decisions on their own to having a guardian.

The “Lighting the Way” project has three main goals:

  1. Spread the word about guardianship and restoring rights.
  2. Build a website with resources people can download.
  3. Push for better data on guardianship and rights restoration in courts.

Through this project, many groups are working together to improve how Florida courts and the Agency for Persons with Disabilities (APD) gather data for those who need help.

You can also download helpful resources from the Florida Developmental Disabilities Council (FDDC) to learn about skills for living more independently:

It’s important for people to know all the choices besides guardianship so they can make informed and respectful decisions. Real-life stories of people who used these options can make them feel more real and achievable. You can even share your own story with us! By sharing, you let us post it on our website so others can learn from your experience.

  1. To take the “Lighting the Way” online course, you’ll need to create an online profile. ↩︎