For your convenience we have compiled a list of government agencies, charities, grand roots organizations, corporations, and professionals that advocate for or provide services for special needs residents of The Villages. This is a working list so be sure to review it regularly.  To help you find the service that best suits your needs the list is searchable, sortable and filterable.

Services List

CategoryAgency/Organization NameAcronymContactBrief Description
Adaptive EquipmentAVM LogoAdvanced Vehicle Modifications MobilityAVM352-622-4467AMV specializes in the modification, service, and maintenance of wheelchair vehicles.
Adaptive EquipmentMobility Express LogoMobility ExpressME800-918-7433Mobility Express sells and services wheelchair accessible vans.
AdvocacyAAPD LogoAmerican Association of People with DisabilitiesAAPD202-521-4316As a national disability-led and cross-disability rights organization, we work to increase the political and economic power of people with disabilities.
AdvocacyDisability BelongsDisability BelongsDB202-517-6272Disability Belongs is a diverse, disability-led nonprofit that works to create systemic change in how society views and values people with disabilities, and that advances policies and practices that empower people with disabilities to have a better future. Our mission is to fight stigmas and advance opportunities so people with disabilities can fully participate in all aspects of community.
AdvocacyEaster Seals FloridaES407-629-7881Easterseals is leading the way to 100% equity, inclusion, and access for people with disabilities, families and communities by enriching education, enhancing health, expanding employment, and elevating community.
AdvocacyFamily Cafe LogoFamily CaféFC888-309-2233The Family Café exists to provide individuals with disabilities and their families with an opportunity for collaboration, advocacy, friendship and empowerment by serving as a facilitator of communication, a space for dialogue and a source of information.
AdvocacyFamily Care Council LogoFamily Care Councils of FloridaFCC800-470-8101The mission of the Family Care Councils (FCCs) of Florida is to educate and empower individuals with developmental disabilities and their families, partnering with the Agency for Persons with Disabilities, to bring quality services to individuals with dignity and choice.
AdvocacyFDDC LogoFlorida Developmental Disabilites CouncilFDDC800-580-7801We affect policy and services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families and their supports through education, advocacy and partnerships.
AdvocacyFSAC LogoFlorida Self-Advocacy CentralFSACContact UsFlorida Self-Advocacy Central is a bridge connecting self-advocates with vital communication, education, and events intended to encourage and support their self-advocacy efforts, their families, and all persons with disabilities across the state of Florida.
AdvocacyFLSAND LogoFlorida Self-Advocates Network’DFLSANDContact UsFlorida Self-Advocates Network’D is a statewide association of self-advocates led by self-advocates that exists to support advocacy efforts at the local, grassroots level and to provide a united voice for statewide issues and topics that are important to self-advocates and all persons with disabilities in Florida.
AdvocacyDDWAITlist LogoFlorida’s DD Waitlist CampaignDDWAITlist813-974-2011The Florida DD Waitlist Campaign aims to raise awareness of this issue to Florida legislators and the general public by using social media to advocate for increased funding to serve the individuals on the waiting list.
AdvocacySEADA LogoSoutheast American Disability Act CenterSEADA800-949-4232We provide information, guidance and training on the Americans with Disabilities Act.
AdvocacySNGG LogoSpecial Needs Guidance GroupSNGGContact UsThe Special Needs Guidance Group is a team of professionals with years of experience in the special needs community. Our roles are both professional and personal. While we specialize in the Florida Medicaid Waiver, we also offer advice and guidance about many other resources for your child.
AdvocacyARC LogoThe Arc of FloridaARC850-921-0460Working with local, state, and national partners, The Arc of Florida advocates for local chapters, public policies, and high quality supports for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be fully included in all aspects of their community.
AdvocacyUnited Way LogoUnited Way of Lake and Sumter CountiesUWLS352-787-7530United Way of Lake and Sumter Counties seeks to create long-lasting change and sustainability in our communities by addressing our greatest needs in the areas of HEALTH, ECONOMIC MOBILITY, AND EDUCATION — providing opportunities to improve the quality of life.
Autism SupportCARD LogoCenter for Autism & Related DisabilitiesCARD813-974-2532The Center for Autism and Related Disabilities provides support and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism and related disabilities.
Autism SupportUF CARD LogoUF Center for Autism and Related DisabilitiesUF CARD352-265-2230The University of Florida Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (UF CARD) provides support and assistance with the goal of optimizing the potential of people with autism and related disabilities.
Autism SupportUCF-CARD LogoUniversity of Central Florida
 Center For Autism and Related DisabilitiesCARD407-823-6001Our primary service is to provide individualized, direct consultative assistance to individuals with autism and related disabilities in Central Florida and their families. Other services include technical assistance and consultation, professional training programs, and public education activities.
Disability NewsDisability Scoop LogoDisability ScoopDSContact usDisability Scoop is the premier source for developmental disability news.
Down Syndrome SupportDSACF LogoDown Syndrome Association of Central FloridaDSACF407-478-5621We change what’s possible for people with Down syndrome through programs that propel children and adults with Down syndrome toward their full potential, resources to support families at every stage of their life, and advocacy to promote inclusion and protect the rights of people with Down syndrome.
EmploymentAPSE LogoAssociation of People Supporting Employment APSE301-279-0060The only national membership organization to focus exclusively on inclusive employment and career advancement opportunities for individuals with disabilities.
EmploymentemployU LogoemployUeU(407) 598-0202We protect workers, promote diversity and enforce the law. OFCCP holds those who do business with the federal government (contractors and subcontractors) responsible for complying with the legal requirement to take affirmative action and not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. In addition, contractors and subcontractors are prohibited from discharging or otherwise discriminating against applicants or employees who inquire about, discuss or disclose their compensation or that of others, subject to certain limitations.
EmploymentVR LogoVocational RehabilitationVR352-630-6203Our mission is to help people with disabilities find and maintain employment and enhance their independence.
Federal AgencyADA DOJ SealAmericans with Disability ActADA800-514-0301The ADA is a law that protects people with disabilities from discrimination.
Federal AgencySSA LogoSocial Security AdministrationSSA800-772-1213We administer retirement, disability, survivor, and family benefits, and enroll individuals in Medicare. We also provide Social Security Numbers, which are unique identifiers needed to work, handle financial transactions, and determine eligibility for certain government services.
Federal AgencyDOL-OFCCP  LogoU.S. Department of Labor
 Office of Federal Contract Compliance ProgramsOFCCP904-351-0551We protect workers, promote diversity and enforce the law. OFCCP holds those who do business with the federal government (contractors and subcontractors) responsible for complying with the legal requirement to take affirmative action and not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, disability, or status as a protected veteran. In addition, contractors and subcontractors are prohibited from discharging or otherwise discriminating against applicants or employees who inquire about, discuss or disclose their compensation or that of others, subject to certain limitations.
Federal helps you locate and understand government benefits, programs, and information.
FinancialABLE United LogoAble United National Resource CenterAU888-524-2253The Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act authorizes states to create tax-free savings accounts for individuals with disabilities.
FinancialNDI LogoNational Disability InstituteNDI202-296-2040We are the first national nonprofit committed exclusively to financial education & empowerment for people with disabilities.
HealthcarecCMS LogoCenters for Medicare & Medicaid ServicesCMS 800-633-4227CMS serves the public as a trusted partner and steward, dedicated to advancing health equity, expanding coverage, and improving health outcomes.
HealthcareChapter LogoChapterChapter855-900-2427We’re optimizing Medicare through greater choice and clarity, while minimizing cost and complexity. Because the other side of 65 should be your best chapter yet.
HealthcareFFLN LogoFlorida Family Leaders NetworkFFLN352-273-8508The Florida Family Leader’s Network is a family-professional partnership comprised of family, youth, and professionals all of whom are committed to serving children and youth with special healthcare needs.
HealthcareFlorida SHINE LogoFlorida Shine ProgramSHINE800-963-5337The SHINE (Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders) Program provides health insurance information and free, unbiased, and confidential counseling assistance to Medicare beneficiaries, their families, and caregivers.
HealthcareFlorida Voices for HealthFVHContact UsWe are a coalition of community organizations, businesses, and individuals working to create a health care system that works for every Floridian.
HealthcareFreeDOM Clinic LogoFreeD.O.M. Clinic USAFreeD.O.M.352-421-5510FreeD.O.M. Clinic USA is a mobile clinic that provides free dental care, optical care, and medical care for uninsured and under-insured Marion County residents.
HealthcareTLCS LogoTransition Life Consultants ServicesTLCS352-322-0576TLC Services is an innovative, unique organization utilizing the professional knowledge and skills of 20+ retired, volunteer social workers, mental health counselors, marriage and family therapists, drug/alcohol counselors and psychologists to provide groups, education, training and one-on-one counseling services to underserved and/or indigent seniors.
HealthcareTCSOS LogoTri-County Senior Outreach ServicesTCSOS352-551-1260We are healthcare advocates. Our unique services enrich the lives of seniors and their caregiver families by aiding in navigation of easy access to high-quality, affordable services and finding the correct providers in the Marion, Lake and Sumter County region. We help individuals age in place, in their own communities with Planning, Advocacy and Care Coordination, In-Home Services, Meals on Wheels, Transportation, Wellness Centers and Personal Health Education.
HealthcareWaiver Provider LogoWaiver ProviderWP727-841-8943WaiverProvider.Com is more than a directory of Florida medicaid waiver providers. We also bring you the latest news and information to help People that are Developmentally Disabled & Senior Citizens as well.
Independant LivingCIL LogoCenter for Independent LivingCIL352-368-3788The mission of the Center for Independent Living of North Central Florida is to empower people with disabilities to achieve their goals for independence.
Independant LivingMagnifyMagnifyMagnify407-892-6078We provide residential, employment, youth transition, life skills development, and advocacy services to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities throughout Central Florida.
Independant LivingMaster Caregivers LogoMaster CaregiversMC352-366-8931At Master Care-Givers, our mission is to help every child and adult with disabilities discover the athlete within themselves. We aim to achieve this by encouraging physical activity, providing essential care, and fostering greater independence in their daily lives.
Independant LivingTLC LogoTransitions Life Center OcalaTLC352-877-8728Transitions Life Center is a non-profit organization whose sole purpose is to provide a safe, caring and enriching community for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. At Transitions Life Center, individuals with intellectual disabilities strengthen independence, build friendships, expand their world and grow in faith.
LegalCOPAA LogoCouncil of Parent Attorneys and AdvocatesCOPPAContact UsCOPAA’s mission is to protect and enforce the legal and civil rights of students with disabilities and their families. Our primary goal is to empower marginalized community members to secure high quality educational services and to promote excellence in advocacy.
LegalDRF LogoDisability Rights FloridaDRF800-342-0823We protect the civil rights of people with disabilities in Florida.
LegalDisability Rights TodayDRT404-541-9001Disability Rights Today is your source for in-depth discussion on important court cases that shape the Americans with Disabilities Act.
LegalGray Robinson Law LogoGray Robinson AttorneysLobbyistsContact UsGrayRobinson is a multidimensional team of professionals providing integrated legal, lobbying, and regulatory services to leading and emerging businesses, state and local governments, industry stakeholders, and entrepreneurs nationwide. We are agile, adaptable, and fully embedded to deliver results at the local, state, and federal levels.
LegalSAN LogoSpecial Assistance NetworkSAN407-294-6270The Special Assistance Network is a nationwide nonprofit organization that assists families with third-party administration of their Special Needs Trusts.
LegalSNA LogoSpecial Needs AllianceSNAContact UsThe Special Needs Alliance is a national organization comprised of attorneys committed to the practice of disability and public benefits law. Individuals with disabilities, their families and their advisors rely on the SNA to connect them with nearby attorneys who focus their practices in the disability law arena.
LegislationNew Disabled SouthNew Disabled SouthNDSContact UsThe Plain Language Policy Dashboard is a project of New Disabled South. The dashboard breaks down complex legislation into plain language, making it easier to understand and making it more accessible. The goal of this dashboard is to have plain language versions of bills in states across the Southern United States.
SafetyFSNR LogoFlorida Special Needs RegistryFSNR850-245-4444The Florida Department of Health, in coordination with its county health departments and each local emergency management agency in the state, developed a registry for persons with special needs to register with their local emergency management agency to receive assistance during a disaster. The statewide registry provides first responders with valuable information to prepare for disasters or other emergencies.
SafetyTVPSD LogoThe Villages Public Safety DepartmentTVPSD352-205-8280Among the many services provided The Villages Public Safety Department will change the batteries in your home smoke detectors free of charge. They do not make appointments and you must have new batteries on hand before you request this service.
SocializationBBM LogoBuilding Blocks MinistriesBBM352-536-9264Building Blocks Ministries is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that builds lives by encouraging others to dream, empowering them to believe in themselves and engaging them in the community to achieve their dreams.
SocializationGiGi's Playhouse LogoGigi’s PlayhouseGPH847-885-6149We change lives through the consistent delivery of free educational, therapeutic-based, and career development programs for individuals with Down syndrome, their families, and the community, through a replicable playhouse model.
SocializationNurturing Spirit LogoNurturing Spirit AssociationNSA352-989-1207Our focus is on improving the quality of life of adults with developmental disabilities. We seek to develop strong relationships with the community, through collaboration. Whether it’s participating in group exercises, taking a dance class, or recreational activities. We strive to help adults with developmental disabilities stay active and acquire life skills such as cooking, riding a bus, using a computer, and forming peer relationships. Through community outings individuals can gain enrichment experiences in arts, music, and special experiences.
State AgencyAPD LogoAgency for Persons with DisabilityAPD352-330-2726APD supports individuals with unique abilities and their families in living, learning and working within their communities by creating multiple pathways to possibilities.
State AgencyElder Options LogoElder OptionsEO800-262-2243Elder Options is the state-designated area agency on aging (AAA), Aging & Disability Resource Center (ADRC), and Helpline. We are charged with administering state and federal grant-funded programs and providing direct services to benefit elders, people with disabilities, and their informal caregivers in a 16-county Planning and Service Area (PSA) in North Central Florida.
State AgencyDCF LogoFlorida Department of Children & FamiliesDCF850-487-1111Working in partnership with local communities to protect the vulnerable, promote strong and economically self-sufficient families, and advance personal and family recovery and resiliency.
State AgencyFlorida EPA LogoFlorida Department of Environmental ProtectionFDEP850-245-2118The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is the state’s lead agency for environmental management and stewardship, protecting our air, water and land.
State AgencyFDH LogoFlorida Department of HealthFDH850-245-4444The Florida Department of Health provides health related information to Florida residents.
State AgencyFlorida Department of RevenueFlorida Department of RevenueFLDR850-488-6800Florida Department of Revenue tax (disabled homeowner homestead exemption) and child support administration.
State AgencyFDBS LogoFlorida Division of Blind ServicesFDBS(850) 245-0300We are here to help blind and visually impaired Floridians achieve their goals and live productive and independent lives. Our services cover all ages from babies to senior citizens. We also offer Employer Services, the Braille and Talking Books Library, and the Business Enterprise Program.
State AgencyFLC LogoFlorida League of CitiesFLC800-342-8112The League’s mission is to serve the needs of Florida’s cities and promote local self-government. We support local voices making local choices to protect and enhance Florida’s communities.
TechnologyFlorida Alliance for Assistive Services & TechnologyFAAST844-353–2278FAAST is a program designed to provide assistive technology to Floridians with disabilities and their loved ones. This program offers a range of activities, including device loans, demonstrations, reutilization, and training, to ensure Floridians have access to the latest in assistive technology.
TechnologyKEVADVOTECH :ogoKEVADVOTECHKEVADVOTECHContact UsKEVADVOTECH is a welcoming forum for the Special Needs community and their extended support team to come together to openly share and discuss the daily challenges we face. Through a variety of special interest topics and shared personal stories, we will shine a spotlight on technology as we explore and examine current solutions or dream for solutions that have not yet been invented to help solve our most complex challenges.
TechnologyUSAC LogoUniversal Service Administration CompanyUSAC800-234-9473The Universal Service Fund helps communities and people across the U.S. stay connected to the information, resources, and care they need with accessible, affordable, and reliable high-speed internet connectivity.
TransportationLTC LogoLake County TransitLCT352-323-5733The Lake County Office of Transit Services provides safe, efficient, cost-effective mobility solutions that enhance the quality of life by connecting Lake County residents and visitors to a variety of health, educational, employment and social opportunities within the County and throughout the region. LakeXpress is a public fixed route system and Lake County Connection provides shared ride, door-to-door, pre-scheduled paratransit services for eligible individuals whose disability or transportation disadvantaged status prevents use of the fixed route system.
TransportationMCT LogoMarion County TransitMCT352-620-3071We provide public transportation that offers riders a high-quality safe, reliable, and efficient para-transit experience.
TransportationSCT LogoSumter County TransitSCT352-568-6683Sumter County Transit’s mission is to ensure all citizens of Sumter County professional, efficient and cost-effective transportation services. Sumter County Transit will provide safe, clean, comfortable, and economical transportation and be alert to citizen needs and to prepare for those needs in a timely manner. Disadvantaged Program, door to door or route deviation services, must apply for them by completing a short eligibility application.
Independent LivingFamily Care GiversFC(352) 307-8044Family Care Givers is a non-profit nurse registry that has been serving Floridians across 16 counties for over 18 years. We refer skilled, reliable caregivers who offer specialized home care services at affordable rates. As a non-profit, any income beyond operations helps fund support for at-risk children and families. By choosing our services, you’re contributing to a cause that makes a lasting difference.
LegalCommunity Legal ServicesCommunity Legal ServicesCLS(800) 405-1417We provide no-cost legal services to the most vulnerable in Central Florida and help them protect their families, health, and livelihood.
Independent LivingGentle Sunrise Independent Caregiving ServicesGentle Sunrise Independent Caregiving ServicesGS(954) 254-1034Gentle Sunrise will give you peace of mind to know that someone can be there when you can’t always be present for a loved one. Our compassionate and high-quality home care services provide a sense of relief and at-home comfort you need.